Top 3 Reasons Why You Need To Use Instagram Reels

February 3, 2022


Social Networks are constantly evolving and changing in order to get any slight advantage over their competitors. Within this social space, there is a common trend between the biggest players that whenever a new platform is created, the other competitors copy their new features or format to keep up with the trends. When TikTok emerged a few years ago, catapulted by their catchy, short-form video content, creators and influences from all backgrounds quickly jumped onto the platform to leverage and take advantage of the substantially bigger reach and engagement that is offered by this style of social media.

Instagram, in an effort to keep and bring users back to its platform, more recently released their competitive update that included Instagram Reels. Despite reels being around for just over a year, Instagram users still aren’t fully leveraging the power of reels. Simply posting the same 30-second video clip as a reel, can lead to much more reach and engagement. If you are not already using reels, here are 3 of the top reasons why you should be.


The biggest reason to utilize Instagram’s latest feature is because of the insane amount of reach your posts can draw. This was Instagram’s main goal in launching Reels — to provide a larger reach for individual posts, which will drive engagement up, and allow much more people to get involved. Ultimately, Reels were created to bring you more reach and so far,  the stats prove this to be true. For example, on average, NFL teams’ reels get 67% more engagement than their regular posts. Statistics like this hold true for many different online sectors as well.


At the moment, you can gain more impressions and engagement from Reels than any other type of post on Instagram. Since Reels is Instagram’s newest feature, they are making it a priority for its users, pushing its content above all others. Furthermore, utilizing Instagram reels has a lot of additional benefits that include the possibility of monetization. Soon, Facebook will be integrating Instagram with its ads placement strategy, meaning that if you are a successful user of Reels, you will have the opportunity to get paid for your posts.


Forget about spending hours looking for the best hashtags to use in order to make it to the explore page. Now that Instagram is heavily pushing Reels content, it is easier than ever to make it to the Explore page and to be discovered. Making it onto the explore page is every content creator’s dream, and at this moment, Reels is certainly your best chance at getting there.


If you are serious about growing your brand and building a larger online presence, then incorporating Instagrams’ newest feature, Reels, into your marketing strategy is an absolute must-do. It Reel-y works!